Last Date of 2016


If there is one piece of advice I could give anyone in regards to relationships, it would be this….

Date each other.

No matter how many years you’ve been together, no matter how your situation has changed, kids, jobs, life….

Date each other.

Your hearts deserve that happiness called the beginning of every relationship, the love bubble. You deserve to keep that feeling alive throughout your lives together, and the best way to do that….

Date each other.

Our last date of 2016 was a good one, it left our hearts happy and was the perfect end to a year full of much hard work and joy!

Our first stop of the day was to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens, to spend some time with one of my most favorite little beauties, butterflies.


It was relaxing, happy and so wonderful to have them all flying around us.





Some even enjoyed some quality time.

I have always had the belief that a butterfly that lands on you, is a little angel in your life that has passed, coming to visit. I don’t know why this has always been my belief, but nothing is going to change that. It’s a beautiful thought and it makes me happy!



After that magical moment, we went to Yankee Candle Village. Oh my goodness, is all I can say. There is so much to see, and so much you can buy! I really enjoyed our time there, looking at everything, smelling the candles and just being with my husband.







I was able to finally get something that I have wanted for a long time, my mantra bracelets! Words are very meaningful to me, I am a quote junkie and certain things just call to my very sentimental side. These bracelets represent all that the past years have been and what 2017 will be, a continuation of our infertility journey, our journey to parenthood.


After spending what seemed like not enough time to soak in all that Yankee Candle had to offer, we took a drive to Richardson’s Candy Kitchen.



Because what is the end of the holiday season without candy, right?

Immediately upon walking through the door, you are greeted with the most amazing smell of chocolate everything. How do people work there?!


I was happy to see that they have a selection of sugar free candy for those of us that can’t have sugar. I know it isn’t the best choice, but we all need to live a little!


We continued to drive around the area to site see for a little while, not much to report but we enjoy our drives 🙂



Later in the evening, we went to Chandler’s Restaurant for dinner. I had high hopes for this place, but the food wasn’t amazing. We still had a good time in the cute and cozy environment.







Pork Tenderloin Marsala with Pecorino Romano Spaetzle


Crab Cakes

I love dates that last all day and feel very blessed that we have been able to continue this tradition. Life is busy, we both work (which we are grateful for) but making time for each other is very important in our lives. We are definitely looking forward to what 2017 has to offer!



If you haven’t gone on a date in a long time, try to make it happen! You will feel like a new couple, I promise you!



A Comedy Show & Ice Cream Date

The end of last week didn’t go as planned, which in life tends to happen often. A regular visit to the dreaded foot doctor left me with many unfortunate needle marks and pain for a few days.

Then on Friday, a regular visit to another doctor confirmed my fears on my endometriosis front and my emotions got the best of me, I suppose.

So to make up for my lack of enthusiasm, the mister planned an impromptu date night that turned out to be a lot of fun!

We headed down to the casino in the late afternoon to grab dinner and watch a comedy show!


Here is where I offer up some advice to those who probably don’t need it- make sure you go earlier to grab a bite at one of their nice restaurants. Because our decisions were made last minute, we didn’t have the time and the place was way too busy.

After walking around for far too long on a foot that should have been home, we got some early seats at the comedy show and ordered some food to share. I wish I had pictures to share but I ordered a Chicken Caesar Salad that came out soaked in dressing. It was disappointing. So my mister who is a saint, split half his burger with me. I picked a good one, thats for sure!


The show was good, we had quite a few laughs listening to some crude and playful jokes. The main comedian spent a good amount of time in the audience and it was amusing to see how well everyone took the personal jokes. All in good fun, right?


After the show we walked around the casino a bit and then had an ice cream party together. This right here can be put in my top 10 of favorite ice cream experiences. Okay maybe my top 100 ice cream experiences haha, but I love ice cream!


This is Coconut Seven Layer Bar from Ben and Jerry’s. You all need to indulge in this delightful treat because it is worth it!

We stopped in some of the shops, I drooled over some Coach bags and regretfully walked away. Insert sad face. I saw this very cute sign too. Then, it was time to go!

My kids do have paws!! For now!

It was just lovely spending time with my mister, and I can’t wait for our next little adventure!